Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Flixie's SECOND birthday!!!

I swear I posted an entry everywhere, how did I forget to post one here?!? His birthday was on Dec 28th 2007 but I accidently forgot again and took Dec 29th off from work. I think I showered him more with kisses and "happy birthdays" on the 28th lol. I took a few pictures, but I had work that day so I couldnt spend too much time with him. The 29th, daddy had work so we couldnt really do anything special for the little one. I didnt get around to making him a cake since I was so tired from working all week and it wouldnt be the same without daddy. Besides, the little one spent all day sleeping.

He had his SECOND Christmas too!! Which he also spent, sleeping lol. It's been really cold lately so I dont blame him. I get jealous he gets to sleep in his nice warm bed and I dont, I have to go to work! lol.

Hes still full of energy and lately he's been awake when I come home, ready to play. Which makes me very happy. But when hes sleeping, if you wake him up you feel just how fragile he's getting. He sleeps deep now too, and when its cold a few pokes wake him up. Not moving the cage around, not opening the door to the upstairs room... I cant help but think about the times when any little sound woke him up. There was thunder earlier this week and he didnt even seem scared by it, he sat there & kept eating his seed! Amazing. My favorite thing to do when he wakes up is make a loose fist with my hand and he'll stick his nose in the hole where you thumb and index finger is. Its the cutest thing ever. Sometimes I wake him up just so he'll do it hehe.

He's getting to the point where when he bathes, if he scratches too far of his back he'll fall over. He actually just falls over a lot lately. He doesnt grip you with his nails anymore =( hes my old man now, but I still love him to pieces. He'll always be my baby.

I know I should be happy he made it to his second birthday and I know I should be happy hes still well and active but I cant help but worry. I know he wouldnt want mommy worried every single day, but I cant help it, hes my baby. I wanna make sure hes ALWAYS okay. I know I'm lucky to be blessed with him for this long, I know I did something right. But I just wish... he'd live forever. I hate thinking about it, but I know he hasnt much time left either way. So I spend as much time as I can with him. I should be happy, I know, what more could I ask for right? But at the same time, I know I'll be destroyed.

I just hope he knows how much I love him and how much he means to me...


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