Oh how I hate summer
Flix is still in my mom's room since it's the coolest room besides downstairs but even with the fan on during the day it's pretty warm. He's been sleeping on his side with his feet & hands curled up. Personally I hate that position because it just scares me. I know, I worry too much! I know Hammie use to sleep like that when she was tired cause normally when she slept like that I swear I could hear her snoring.
A hamster community I'm in suggested to freeze a half full water bottle & place it on the corner of the cage. Just to make sure it doesnt fall on him. I'm freezing one right now although I'm a bit iffy about this since its extreme cold against extreme heat on the other side of his cage. But everything else [ placing in a cooler room, placing ice under his sleep corner ] doesnt seem to be working.
Last night he didnt bother to play, just sleep all night since it was hot & my parents werent home so the fan wasnt on & the window was closed. Although it wasnt TOO hot in there last night.
My room is terrible right now and at night it just gets worse. So he's safer there. Ugh. I cant wait til summer is over. I hate having to deal with this. I just want him to be active at night... even during the day like normal.
He isnt as active as he once was when we first got him. He's getting older, of course... but hes not my little ball of energy anymore =( I thought that phase would never end hehe. But the nurses at the vet were like "you handle him alot dont you?" and I was like "yes" and they were like "yeah we can tell, he's such a good boy" =) he's my baby. I gotta take good care of him, right?
I hope he feels better after I put the bottle in his cage. I leave my room ever 20-30 minutes in general anyway just to check up on him.
I dont know if I have mentioned this yet, but Goomba's hair has grown in. He's one of those all around long hair's hehe. Its cute. You feel nothing but his hair when he walks on you.