Friday, June 23, 2006

Oh how I hate summer

Flix is still in my mom's room since it's the coolest room besides downstairs but even with the fan on during the day it's pretty warm. He's been sleeping on his side with his feet & hands curled up. Personally I hate that position because it just scares me. I know, I worry too much! I know Hammie use to sleep like that when she was tired cause normally when she slept like that I swear I could hear her snoring.

A hamster community I'm in suggested to freeze a half full water bottle & place it on the corner of the cage. Just to make sure it doesnt fall on him. I'm freezing one right now although I'm a bit iffy about this since its extreme cold against extreme heat on the other side of his cage. But everything else [ placing in a cooler room, placing ice under his sleep corner ] doesnt seem to be working.

Last night he didnt bother to play, just sleep all night since it was hot & my parents werent home so the fan wasnt on & the window was closed. Although it wasnt TOO hot in there last night.

My room is terrible right now and at night it just gets worse. So he's safer there. Ugh. I cant wait til summer is over. I hate having to deal with this. I just want him to be active at night... even during the day like normal.

He isnt as active as he once was when we first got him. He's getting older, of course... but hes not my little ball of energy anymore =( I thought that phase would never end hehe. But the nurses at the vet were like "you handle him alot dont you?" and I was like "yes" and they were like "yeah we can tell, he's such a good boy" =) he's my baby. I gotta take good care of him, right?

I hope he feels better after I put the bottle in his cage. I leave my room ever 20-30 minutes in general anyway just to check up on him.

I dont know if I have mentioned this yet, but Goomba's hair has grown in. He's one of those all around long hair's hehe. Its cute. You feel nothing but his hair when he walks on you.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nail Trim

Flix went in for his nail's clipped... part two. Thankfully the two people doing it today were experienced. They came out & didnt even call me because Martin had Flix out & they were oohing and awwing over how cute he is lol. The nail trim didnt go so bad, he was being really still [ and staring directly at me like he was calling for help lol ]. He was a good boy the whole time & the nurses loved him. So that's good =).

Oh and he's 155 grams now... haha he gained 5 grams in the passed two weeks lmao. He's not fat! Just loved!! Hehe.

And the nurse said that as long as he's eating, drinking & active to not worry so much about his sneezing. And as long as his nose is dry. Ever since I took out the toilet paper his sneezing has calmed down a bit. So maybe it was the toliet paper. Its actually calmed down a lot. I could switch him back to CareFresh to see if that was also part of the problem but I dont want to stress him out... hmm.

Oh he also got soaked on the way there because of the water bottle. I mean REALLY soaked so me & daddy had to dry him off & clean his carrier. Poor baby. I dont really like Critter Trail products too much. Their little water bottle stuff that has the air barrier in between the water & the hole for the water to come out isnt such a good idea. I'm not too fond of it. I'll stick to the ball bottles instead.

His nail's feel NORMAL now. But I think hes a bit grumpy about it lol. Awww. No pictures, sorry! I didnt wanna look like a freak lol.

Monday, June 19, 2006

My baby Flix...

When I picked him up this morning I noticed his balls were cold. That was kind of odd... but they have warmed up since then. I dont know if its too hot in my room for him right now. Its not as bad as it was a few nights ago... and it was a bit cold last night. I'm afraid he's sick or getting sick & I cant tell... =( I hope he's alright. I think the part that scared me the most was he plopped down on his side with his hands & feet curled in & his eyes WiDE open. Scared the crap out of me.

He has a nail re-trimming appt later this week, so maybe then I can ask about it. As well as his freezing up & his sneezing. I hope its just allergies & nothing too serious. *sigh*. This sucks, I dont even have the money to take him to the vet for a check up. I gotta make the best of what I can.

I hope you're okay Flixie baby...

[ edit @ 12:59AM June 20, 2006 ]

I put him in my mom's room & he seems to be doing better. He's running on his wheel now actually. And I gave him fresh cold water. So he should be good. I just hate leaving him in another room for the night cause I cant talk to him or watch him :\ but as long as he's feeling better, that's all that matters...

[ /edit ]

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

Happy Father's day Flixie!!! Happy Father's day boo!!

Love you both!

Love you too Hammie head & Roxas baby!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Flixie Head!!

I finally got off my lazy ass & cleaned his cage. I'm starting to lose track of days now that school is over... ughhh. But I did the usual, had him in my mom's room while I cleaned his cage. And when I came back he managed to break out of his ball! I made sure it was locked & its brand new so I dont see how he managed to break out.

I didnt worry too much since I know exactly how to get him to come back, I just checked the bathroom to make sure he wasnt in there. Finished putting his cage together, refilled his food & grabbed his yogurt drop box.

I went back to my mom's room, I think my mom was a little confused as to what I was doing & why I wasnt calling him lol.

So I shook the box while I was tryin to finish putting his stuff back together & she was just watching me lol. And he came running back from under the bed. Hehhee.

He was super dusty though, so I cleaned him up a bit & put him back in his ball so he could bathe before going back into his nice clean home.

My mom had to put him back in his cage though cause he broke out while I was vaccuming all the bedding off the floor in my room.

As always he preferred to stay on his wheel. I'm not gonna give him tissue this time to see if that's what he's allergic to. I had set his Milk Bone next to his bed to let him know that's where his bed usually is [ in case its like he thinks everything's reset or something ].

He picked it up. Put it down, picked it up again & put it in his bowl! I was watching him the entire time, he did it with such ease too lol. It was amazing. I wanna record it but my camera sucks in my room cause the lighting in my room sucks. So maybe soon on a sunny day I'll record it cause man!! Haha. It was adorable.

Reminds me of when me & Hammie had faught over the salt wheel. I use to put it in her bowl so that her bowl didnt flip over when she sat in it & she'd always take it out & toss it to the side of her cage. Meanie babygirl lol. But I still love you Hammie Baby!! Hehe.

I love my babies :]

Monday, June 05, 2006

Flix's appt.

Well, Martin wasnt there even though he said he would be. Whatever.

I was running late so I made a big ass mess in my room on my way out but I got there only 5 minutes late. Whew. Even the lady was like "see I knew you'd make it early!" ahh. Just making sure [ cause I told her 15 minutes ]. I went in the doggie door instead of the cat's so I guess the dogs were making him freeze up cause they were barking at eachother too.

Anyway, the nurse who had clipped Flix's nail's weigh'd him... he's 150 grams! Wow! Hehe. She didnt know anything about hamsters so I couldnt ask her about his sneezing or freezing up... she had anothe nurse come in to hold him cause he was moving around too much & she was making kissie faces at him & he started chattering his teeth... good thing he didnt bite anyone. Poor baby. The lady cutting his nail's was utterly clueless though, and didnt even get them. But she said that if I came back in a few days then I could get them cut again for free since she wasnt sure if she even got them either.

Ughhh. Waste of freakin time! Poor Flixie baby too. But I got him home & back in his cage as soon as possible. The person in the drive thru would take like half an hour to get ONE order out. And I didnt even order a meal, just a little side order thingie. Wtf! Arghh. But he's fine now... its not that hot in here today... thankfully.

I might have to set another appt. and not expect Martin to come. Bitch.

I saw Goomba a few days ago, he was tearin up a banana chip & a yogurt drop, he's so cute. He's getting big now too, his hair is starting to grow in. Too bad Martin hasnt been home much to take care of him. Ugh.