Sunday, April 30, 2006

Change of bedding.

I changed Flix's bedding today from CareFresh to Aspen. Uhm... he was sitting / sleeping on his wheel the whole time I put him back. Poor baby, I guess hes not use to it, at all. I called the Solano Emergency Vet clinic & they said it was normal for him to be like that, he'll get use to it & to probably not mix in / put CareFresh in his cage since that's what's making him sneeze... or to try a different brand. I'm not too fond of the one we have either, they're like little sticks man. So I may try a differen brand. I took some pictures of him being doodoo, I'll upload them soon.

I heard him drinking earlier so I leaned over to look & my chair makes sounds when I move so he stopped & looked at me & a water droplet flicked off his bottle lol it was funny & cute. He also tumbled down the wheel while sleeping in it earlier cause he was sitting, not curled up. I hope he gets use to it, or gets use to the new one I'll buy. Or something! He hasnt even touched his Milk Bone & he refused a peanut when I gave it to him. Grrr. He put it back too.. *sigh*. Sorry Flixie, but Mommy's doing this for your health!

From what Martin tell's me about Goomba...

- He likes pumpkin seeds
- He likes little seeds
- He likes to take Pea's from your hand, drop them on the ground & eat them later.

Hmm, I guess its somewhat of an update lol. He also likes to be tucked in. But so does Flix, but its too hot to tuck him in. Maybe toilet paper would make him feel comfortble since they like to tear those up for their bed. Hmm!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Trading cards.

I made these yesterday, I thought they were pretty cool.

Of course, click to enlarge the picture. I forgot where I got them from, but the link is saved somewhere so I'll paste it here when I get off my lazy butt.

I lovee watching Flix bathe, he does it so slow & carefully hehe. Its like hes savoring in bathing. No wonder he smells so good & hes so soft all the time lol.

Hes been freezing up a lot lately, its been scaring the crap out of me. Blah.

He hasnt really been eating much since hes been in the new cage =\ grrr. I dont know what to do. I might switch him back to the old cage or buy a new one. Its bad enough he doesnt eat at all outside of his cage either. Most hamsters do! Its not like we keep him in the cage all day long. I guess hes just really curious & wants to play all the time. What a doodoo head! Hes also started to lay IN his wheel when hes tired. Maybe cause its getting warmer in here too. I hope he's okay.

Uhm, I dont know much on Goomba's side, Daddy would have to write that one in... but of course, he probably wont. *BOOOO*. Its okay though. I'll write what I know.

Which isnt much haha. I'll get back to you on that one.

Hammie! We love you! =) And Roxas too.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Baby Goomba.

Today we went to the Petco in Fairfield to look for a hamster. They have the most adorable Fancy Dwarf Hamsters, but Martin convinced me into getting a Syrian Hamster instead. We held a few, the girl that looked like Flix screamed, and the one that looked like Tank [ some random hamster at the Petco here he named ] was really pretty & nice. But we decided on a Teddy Bear male that's adorable. He's white & light brown. Not tan, but brown. He has dark red eyes too, not the bright red ones Hammie had. The guy who was helping us sounded like he knew about hamsters, which was cool but he kept trying to sell us "European Hamsters" which is really just black Syrian's that they over priced. Pfft. I'm not stupid! I need to get some Chinchila sand & make a sand bath, just to try it out... and a red or blue Silent Spinner for Flix. Any color but purple!

I dont have any pics of Baby Goomba right now cause he's at Martin's house & we didnt bring him here since my mom would had been home & thrown a fit. So hopefully Martin gets pictures for me!

He picked him out & named him too. Took him a few hours, but he decided on Baby Goomba. Uh yeah lol.

I switched Flix's water bottle today, its a bit harder to push to get the water, but I think he figured it out after trying to chew on it... he ate a big chunck of his Milk Bone too. Oh and the guy who sold us the hamster said that cabbage was good but lettuce was bad for hamsters... why would lettuce be bad and cabbage be good? I thought it was the other way around. Hmm.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I tried that Milk Bone thing...

So today we stopped by Pet Smart to check out their hamsters after school. There was this Teddy Bear male hamster that was soO freakin adorable! He looked exactly like Hammie though, just a boy... with long hair. But had beautiful red eyes, just like hers. But this little girl got him. They also had this male Winter White Dwarf Hamster that was injured it seemed. Like his face got stiched up right by his ear & his arm was cut up. Poor baby. Good thing they're connected to a vet. Their dwarf's were cute, but they looked like your typical Winter White Dwarf Hamster. Gray's, whites, black line down the middle of their backs. I want one that stands out, even just a little. We're going to Petco in Fairfield tomorrow, hopefully they take care of their animals... they're brand new & they even have an adoption center. So yeah, I really hope its better than here. And if we dont find one there then we can either wait for a new ones at the Petco here on Monday or hope that Pet Smart gets some on Tuesday, but I'm starting to lean towards not getting one right now...

Anyway, while at Pet Smart I got Flix a new bottle since I dont trust the one that came with the cage, I like the water bottles with the ball in them so you know it wont drip & it just seems easier for them to drink out of AND I got small Milk Bones for Flix too! They're good for hamsters to chew on, plus I can give some to JayJay too. JayJay loved them [ then again, he loves any kind of food that isnt fruit ] & Flix really liked his too.

He was eating it lol so I put it next to his door & away from his bed so he'd go back to sleep, but while I wasnt looking he brought it back to his bed! And next thing you know, its in his food bowl. Silly baby, that's not food! Thats your new chew toy! I need to get him a new ball since he keeps breaking out of the one we have now... and a Silent Spinner cause the wheel was wayyy too loud last night that I half asleep got up & took it out & went back to bed. Poor Flix heh. But Mommy needs her sleep! I'm so spoiling the crap out of Flix lol.

I also gave him my brand new toothbrush [ that I probably was never gonna use anyway ] to brush his hair, finally! But he wouldnt sit still long enough. Maybe I should do it when he first wakes up, that way, he wont have the energy to struggle. Ooh good idea =). Hah.

I'll post pictures of him & his Milk Bone tomorrow, too lazy to transfer the pics.

I really need to start tagging the pics too, blah! So much work.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I dont know what to say...

Today we returned Roxas. I wanted to keep him & bury him, but I guess we had to return him to them to get the return. I looked at a few hamsters they had & none caught my eye like Roxas did. And it looked as if most of them had something wrong with them. The last short hair female they had screamed when she was touched & a lot of them had odd looking poo, or maybe I'm just trippin but I didnt wanna take any chances! I was gonna take this fluffy peach long haired Syrian female hamster home, but I decided it wasnt the same & its not like she made me happy like Roxas did. Plus I think she was sick, she kept pooing in the car & sneezing. I was really disapointed that the lady who was helping us was utterly clueless about hamsters. I assume she's in charge of that department since I think she sold us Roxas & she didnt even know jack shit about CareFresh bedding!

I'm still really pissed at Petco, I wanted to go in there & cuss the shit out of the manager for being so damn unprofessional & selling sick animals but I didnt want to make a scene. I have a feeling I eventually will. I'm going back on Monday to see if they get a new litter of hamsters that dont look sick, I dont want to come back again to return yet another dead / sick hamster to them. Its really unfair. I'm really sad because he was so damn pretty & I'm never gonna see another that looks like him, and I'm really sad that his life ended so damn suddenly. I hope that Hammie does find him, and takes care of him for us...

I really cant put into words what I'm feeling right now. But its a mix of sadness, anger & disapointment... bitches.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Goodbye Roxas...

I went to see Roxas afterschool today. I thought it was weird how he didnt wake up when Martin picked up the cage, or when we pet him. He was breathing & sleeping... but he was shaking a bit. That got me worried, but I thought he was just jittery or something. At around 8PM Martin call's me to tell me Roxas passed away... I was shocked, and a bit heartbroken. We barely had him for a day & he's already gone? He didnt seem to be sick yesterday, he seemed fine. I watched him carefully just to make sure since baby dwarf hamsters are commonly sick from just about anything & everything was fine. His poop was normal, he was peeing, playing, eating, drinking, everything. So I dont understand what could have gone wrong. Martin said that he picked him up & wiped up the poo stuck in his butt & three more fell out. Could that have been the cause? I dont really know what happened. It really sucks.

I am of course going to Petco tomorrow to speak with the store manager & bring Roxas with us. This isnt fair. Not to us, and not to Roxas! People have reported them for having Wet Tail in their cages & all this other stuff... and how poorly they take care of their animals... and this big animal company was suing them for it. You would think they would shapen up! But I guess not. How sad. I hope they do something to fix this, or I'm gonna be really pissed & report them as well.

On a lighter note, Flix hasnt chewed on the cage once since he's been in there in the passed 2 days :) I'm keeping a really really close eye on him in case he gets sick. I really wanna get new cages cause Hammie was in the one he's in now & I dont know exactly what was wrong with her... I just want him to be safe & healthy...

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Yesterday marked one month since Hammie's passing...

Today, we went to Petco & I saw this beautiful Fancy Dwarf Hamster & I just had to have it! So Martin let me get him & I was really excited about this the whole time lol. He's white & tan & really tiny! I didnt know what to name him. I wanted to name him Goomba but not really cause that's what Martin call's me & I didnt wanna name him Cheesecake cause I named almost all my other hamsters after food's [ I've been a Culinary freak my whole life, okay?! ] so I decided on naming him Roxas since Sora is my gray doggie I won from Vegas. Darn.

We cleaned out out Hammie's cage & I got really sad when I had to put her stuff in a plastic bag... like her bedding, food & toys that she barely touched. Its still really hard to believe she's gone. It felt like she was here forever... but at the same time, it felt like we didnt get as much time as we should have had with her... well, now Flix is in there. I know she would have wanted him to have her cage & he seems to love the wheel... he's been on it all day. Literally, all day. Its still hard to look in there & see Flix instead of Hammie... but I cant hold on & be sad forever, right?

Don't worry Hammie, you're not replaced. No one could replace you babygirl. You're our first baby, and you always will be. You know that! You know we love you too. Me, Daddy & Flix. We all miss you & hope you're waiting for us babygirl... we love you so much. We always will, so you dont have to worry about us forgetting you! =)

And Flix, don't worry -- just because Roxas is here doesnt mean we're gonna ignore you again like when Hammie was here. You're still our babyboy fuzzy butt. And you're still the smartest one ever! I'm glad you're running away on the new wheel, and I'm even more glad you're not doing it as Hammie did! Hehe. I just wish you'd stop & eat now =\ seriously. Go eat. lol.

Roxas, you're a real cutie! And you were being so good today! You're really friendly & even let Daddy pick you up & walked on to his hand on your own which is impressive for a baby dwarf hamster. Not even one whole day with us & you're already tamed! Please stay friendly so Mommy isnt scared of you later... please please please!

Pictures of Roxas:
Roxas still in his Petco box with the bowl of food.

Roxas & Flix.

I dont think this pic is good enough at showing how small he is..

On Daddy's hand.

Me & Flix... before we put Roxas in there.

Monday, April 10, 2006

He's such a good boy.

Just now I gave Flix two sunflower seeds while he was bathing. The first one he took from me & tossed it back into his bowl, the second one I accidently dropped & he picked it up & proceeded to place it back in his bowl, both followed by him continuing to groom. He also makes sure that food & poop arent in his bed by tossing them to the side. Yeah, and I'm the clean freak?! lol.

We tried to feed him bread & milk yesterday. He liked the bread, but didnt like the milk. Marty thinks its because it was 2% ... like hamsters can tell the difference between 2% and whole.

He was sleeping earlier [ Flix, not Marty ] and he was making this gurgling / clicking sound... so I woke him up & he looked like he had the hiccups... he was moving like he did but it didnt seem to bother since since he started bathing [ as always ] right after I woke him up. He seems fine now, I hope hes okay. He also tends to sneeze in his sleep =\.

I'm probably gonna get some whole milk today or tomorrow & try to feed that to him & see if he likes it better although I dont think there's much of a difference as to what kind of milk you feed your hamster.

I really missed Hammie today... talking to Flix isnt the same as talking to Hammie about whats going on with Mommy & Daddy =\.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Before I forget...

Yesterday, Flix was eating a peice of corn & he couldnt break though so he ended up getting frustrated & throwing it against the wall lol. He's very human sometimes... we got him a new toy, this strawberry looking room thing that he's able to chew on if he wanted to... I took pictures which I'll post later [ I always say that & never do lol ]. He didnt really like it, so Marty put food in it & for a few minutes all you could hear was him eating with his butt sticking out lol.

What else... I think its adorable how he grooms his bottom fur it gets stuck in his teeth [ since its his long hair ] & he has to pull it out... just now he got a mouth full of hair & had to use both his hands to pull it out hehe. Cute!

He's still sneezing, unfortunately. Its not very cold in here lately... and he has a lot of bedding... I hope hes not getting sick, then again I wouldnt know what the symtoms of him getting sick would be. I have to look that up soon. I hope he'll be okay. I'm just really worried about him now. And I dont exactly have the money to take him to the vet at the moment esp since I still have to pay off Hammie's visit =\. So hopefully he's okay and just getting hair in his nose or something! Just to make sure neither the cat or the dog have been around him lately either...

I miss Hammie baby... I wish she were here to listen to me and make me feel better... and just cuddle with me, esp right now. I really need her here =(.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Update on Flix.

Its been a while since I've been here. I didnt mean to neglect it, its just that I havent been passionate about this as I was. I know, that's not fair to Flix... so I'm tryin to get back into it...

Flix has been doing good lately, he still chews up the towel when I put it over him & I'm unaware he's awake, thankfully someone educated in hamsters told me they usually dont swallow things they cant digest. I took it off though, and just gave him more bedding. I hope he's warmer now.

Other than that, he's a very smart hamster! He manages to jump on all sorts of things in my closet from his cage door while I fix things iNSiDE his cage. And he's so quiet about it too lol. He still puts his food that he doesnt want to eat back into his food bowl & he comes to Mommy & Daddy when we ask him to when he's in his ball. Like just now he was banging against my chair & I figured he wanted back in his cage so I got up & told him to come on & he followed right behind me to his cage =). He's been doing a bunch of other things I cant seem to remember right now, but I'll write them down as soon as I do. I've got a lot of pics to upload too, but not until I tag them. So that's not gonna be for a lonnnng while. You can still view their albums here though, but you have to be on the friends list =). I also created a MySpace for Flix out of complete boredom... I havent thought up of a URL yet though lol.

I just noticed that Hammie's cage is collecting dust.... =( which means it hasnt been touched nor used.... in a while.... maybe longer than I think.... she woke me up in class yesterday... Marty says its her watching over us, would it be crazy to believe that? That she's really watching over us? Strange things have been happening lately.... but if she is, I'm glad. At least shes with me... somewhere. I saw her in my dreams last night too, and I gave her lots of kissies to make up for not being able to give her any the day she left... I was afraid I was hurting her since the last time I picked her up she yelled out in pain. It hurt to see her do that.... I just miss her, a whole lot. But I know she doesnt want me ignorning school & moping around...

I'm trying babygirl, you know how much time Mommy spends doing homework & studying... I dont mean to slack off, I'm sure you understand why, no need to say right?

I'll see you in my dreams princess.