Tuesday, July 25, 2006

All done!

Due to the extreme heat, the rest of Flix's medicine has evaporated. Completely. He was only 2 days away from being done anyway. But I called the vet just to make sure. So he's all done. He hasnt been sneezing much lately, so that's a wonderful thing.

He is, however starting to store & sleep in his pee pee corner. It worries me since he's eating the food he put's there. If you have ever smelled hamster pee you can just assume that anything having to do with it is NOT good. I'm not sure how I can get him to stop, he doesnt do it all day, just during random times of the day. I'm also unsure of WHY he's doing this.

I saw a cage I'm going to get Flix. The brand [ SAM ] has some really good reviews. Plus the cage comes with a detachable carry case, which can replace the CritterTrail one I have. I'm not too fond of the CritterTrail brand. And since Flix is so big, he doesnt really have enough room in the cage that was perfectly fine for Hammie.

I had a dream about her a few nights ago... but she was a baby. So was Flix. I miss her so much.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So last night I was trying to give Flix his medicine. Well I just so happened to inject it into his mouth at the same time he decided to turn his head so it went flying into the CARPET! He had some on his cheek though so I wiped it off and fed it to him lol. I cleaned it off eventually! He's being doodoo about taking his medicine but after he takes it he doesnt seem to hate it as much as his last one. He's got about a week left to go or so. I dont even know if I have enough for another week! His sneezing is less frequent though, so thank goodness for that.

I'm seriously starting to think that it IS possible to over feed a hamster... o_O

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Flix's appt.

Flix had his appt yesterday. He was doing pretty good, he didnt bite anyone lol. He weigh's 60 grams! I swear everytime I take him back he gain's 50 grams! Hehe. He was active the whole time, climbing to the top of his carrier, jumping off of the scale, running around the table. The doctor came in & checked him for his sneezing and gave me some medicine to give him twice a day, liquid.. oh no. Poor Flixie! She assured me that it was fruity flavored & if it isnt a respertory problem the medicine wont harm him & I'll know that it's just allergies.

I also asked her to check his teeth. She said they were fine, as long as he doesnt stop eating or start's having trouble eating he should be fine & that they didnt irritate the roof of his mouth [ which is what I was afraid of but I couldnt see since he wouldn't let me ].

I gave him his first dose of medicine today at about 1:30PM he didnt twitch around like he did with the last one. He's such a good boy. I love my Flixie baby!

[ edit -- July 18, 2006 @ 2:12PM ]

Pictures from Flix's vet appt!

Flix trying to jump off the scale.
Taken with my camera phone.

I think he was chewing on the towel, I dont really remember...

[ /edit ]

Sunday, July 09, 2006


OMG!!! I didnt forget baby girl I just didnt know we got you on May 31st 2005. I thought we got you at the end of July! Awww. I feel like such a bad mommy now =(. I'm so sorry baby. Happy Blated birthday though. We all miss you & still love you so much. I hope you're doing great up there!

Flixie keeps chewing on my bed sheet's lol. And he has an appt soon for his sneezing & his teeth.

We miss you so much Hammie, esp me... I love you princess *mwah*. Happy Birthday.

Monday, July 03, 2006


I let Flix watch fireworks tonight, he didnt seem to interested but he didnt like the sound either. I tried that freezing a water bottle thing recently, I have a few pics I'll upload & post at the bottom. I didnt catch any of him licking the bottle though... darn!! I've notice he does sneeze more on cold days then warm ones. I'll be taking him to the vet either late this week or early next week. Also to check on his teeth. I dont know if his lower teeth are suppose to be that long or if they're even "long" at all.

I know I worry too much, I can't help it. He's my baby!!

I spent some time with Goomba today too. He's really... active. Moves around a lot... but I love how he hooks his foot to your finger before jumping off your hand hehe. And he's so fluffy!!