RIP Bubblerz....
I saw her on the 14th during Megan's birthday and she seemed fine. She was active, alert, and she seemed like Bubbles... like any other normal day. Martin said she was fine this morning, but when he came home... she was gone. Just like that. I cant think of a reason, then again I wasnt really there so how could I even come up with a reason?
The saddest part is that her one year was coming up. Nov 5th. I was really looking forward to it... I dont have many memories with her, but that doesnt mean that I dont love her, of course. We'll miss you Bubblerz. Even though you were hella bad. Say hi to Flix for us and try not to bite him! He didnt really like that last time. Be good up there baby girl, I'm sorry we couldnt take better care of you.... *sigh*.
I feel like I failed at being her mommy. Things have just gotten so... different without Flix. It still hurts to think about him. I guess I'm just keeping myself busy on purpose.
RIP Bubbles.
We love you.
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We love you.
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