Daddy saw yesterday how big Hammie got!
She's got ass for days. I managed to take pictures but got too tired to post them, I've concluded that I havent been doing such a great job at recording Hammie's pregnancy. Its a bit hard with Hamsters since they get a litte chubby, then they blow up... like blimps. And espcially hard to take pictures of a hamster's belly that has white fur on her underside & a really annoying bright flash. So a few of these pictures were from a few days ago. I cant tell
how many days ago but I'm gonna guess... maybe three? I tried to take a few pics when her belly started to show & I took a few today. I also managed to take a pic of Flix with his mouth wide open due to chewing his bars
( which he isnt suppose to be doing!
). Hammie's due anywhere from the 8th to the 10th. I hope she makes it out okay & doesnt get hurt... or worse. And I hope I'm here to see it happen. I just hope she's okay & doesnt eat her babies really. Hamsters naturally eat their babies if they feel that they had too many & arent able to care for them all, if they run out of protien to feed the babies or if they feel like their babies wont survive.. they'd rather eat them then make them suffer.
She's been active, even more active then when she
wasnt pregnant. How weird is that?! She's still friendly =) although she bit me a few times today but I think its because I smelled like Flix. I'm so scare of handling her because when you hold her in your hand you can easily feel how huge her stomach has got! And when she's laying flat on your palm you can feel her nipples poking out already. I was like "
what's wrong, do you have a scab?!" so I looked under & her nipples were poking out and READY. Whoops. She tries to wedge her fat ass down her tube and I feel like she's hurting herself or the babies, but she doesnt seem to mind lol.
She's also been grabbing a bunch of bedding from downstairs & taking it to her room
( I told her today that she cant use her room when she has babies. She stopped chewing on her cardboard & looked at me lol
). I feel bad she wont be able to use it, she put all this time & effort into building her nest. But she pee's & poo's in there & I dont want her or the babies to get sick from it. She's also been grabbing lots of food.
I love how if I try to feed her something she doesnt want she'll push my fingers away with her nose hehe. She's such a cutie! And a very smart cutie at that =).
I was a bit upset when I opened Flix's cage door a little bit to see if he could escape the way Hammie use to when I did it & sadly he didnt. He wasnt even close. See, boys in any shape or form and obviously stupid. LOL. But really, it did make me sad. I've only had one other hamster that was smart like Hammie, well she was smarter actually. You dont find hamsters like Hammie all the time. Which makes her even more special. And believe me I've had about 8 hamsters including Flix & Hammie! Well okay yeah here's the pictures lol.
Hammie a few days ago when her tummy started to show.
I dont know if you can really tell here, but I tried!
You can tell a bit better here. And see her cardboard tube?!?
Her "big booty"... it gets bigger.
See, flash on white fur = not good.
I was too lazy to photoshop it to make it better.
These are from yesterday.
See the other brownish bedding?
Thats her tube!
Told you it gets
This is from today, she was building her nest.
The things I catch Flix doing.... lol
I'm still working on their photo album, I'm tryin to be done by tonight. So I can post the link up here =).